Edgenuity Customer Service

How to get in contact with Edgenuity

AddressEdgenuity Inc.
East Chaparral Road 8860
AZ 85250 Scottsdale
Phone number877 202 0338
E-mailNot available
Contact formhttps://www.edgenuity.com/support/customer-support...
Get in contact with the Edgenuity customer service to take care of everything related to your contract. Have the information about your contract ready, like your contract number or customer number, so that Edgenuity can assign your call. You can manage things like your personal data yourself via the Edgenuity login.

Edgenuity Customer Service Number

Call 877 202 0338 to reach Edgenuity customer service number to speak with a representative.

Edgenuity Address

The Edgenuity customer service is also available by mail. Send your letter to the following postal address:

Edgenuity Inc., East Chaparral Road 8860, AZ 85250 Scottsdale

Edgenuity E-mail

The Edgenuity customer service is currently not available by email.

Edgenuity Contact Form

To contact Edgenuity, please the contact form on their website. The link to the contact form is as follows: https://www.edgenuity.com/support/customer-support/
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Last Update: 01/05/2023

All information about Edgenuity customer service was researched by our staff from public sources, including the Edgenuity website. All information provided without warranty.