Crunchyroll Customer Service

How to get in contact with Crunchyroll

AddressEllation, LLC
Bush Street 444
CA 94108 San Francisco
Phone number415 796 3560
Fax415 796 3561
Get in contact with the Crunchyroll customer service to take care of everything related to your contract. Have the information about your contract ready, like your contract number or customer number, so that Crunchyroll can assign your call. You can manage things like your personal data yourself via the Crunchyroll login.

Crunchyroll Customer Service Number

Call 415 796 3560 to reach Crunchyroll customer service number to speak with a representative.

Crunchyroll Address

The Crunchyroll customer service is also available by mail. Send your letter to the following postal address:

Ellation, LLC, Bush Street 444, CA 94108 San Francisco

Crunchyroll E-mail

Crunchyroll can also be reached via email. Simply send an email including your request to

Crunchyroll Fax

Crunchyroll provides a fax number for contact. 415 796 3561 is the number of Crunchyroll's fax line.
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Last Update: 12/12/2022

All information about Crunchyroll customer service was researched by our staff from public sources, including the Crunchyroll website. All information provided without warranty.